Super Ultra Low Energy and Emission Vehicle (SULEEV) Center
Centers of excellence around the world on clean mobility technologies Super Ultra Low Energy and Emission Vehicle (SULEEV) Center SULEEV (Super Ultra Low Energy and Emission Vehicle) is a leading research center in Korea, funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT. Launched on June 1st, 2016, the center aims to commercialize high-efficiency vehicles and gas exhaust purification systems. Participants Hyundai Motor Company Heesung Catalysts Co. Blueplanet Co. Ceracomb CBB Co. EnD Solutions Clue Life Center Organizations and Research Contents Group 1: Design of catalyst for low-temperature vehicle exhaust purification Professors Sung June Cho, Hyun Joo Lee, and Jeong Woo Han Group 1 is devoted to developing novel metal oxidation catalysts and metal oxide reduction catalysts based on fundamental understanding of relevant surface reactions determined from computational tools. Group 2: Design of a multi-purpose (catalyst/adsorbent) filter Professors Kwan-Young Lee, Ki Bong Lee, Hyun Wook Jung, Jung Kyu Choi, and Dae Won Lee Group 2 aims to develop a filter than can both serve as a catalyst and adsorbent. More specifically, catalysts for low-temperature combustion of PM (particulate matter) and high-capacity adsorbent for NOx and HC designed for low-temperature adsorption and high-temperature desorption are being developed. Group 3: Design of