
Life Cycle Analyses

Engine technology

Powertrain Technologies

Electric and hybrid penetration by 2030 based on new CO2 targets


The EU has published the “Fit for 55” proposal which will require 55% reduction in tailpipe CO2 by the end of the decade. The Biden administration will also revise the SAFE standards and has announced a 50% electrification target by 2030 (including plug-in hybrids). Here is a look at the implications for powertrain scenarios based on the CO2 targets alone.

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SuperTurbo with Turbine Bypass for Cold Start Aftertreatment Heating Upcoming regulations such as California’s Low NOx Omnibus and Euro VII

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Near zero emitting heavy-duty trucks


U.S. EPA Phase 3 Greenhouse Gas Proposal for Heavy-Duty Vehicles


A downloadable summary of the U.S. EPA announced the Phase 3 GHG proposal for heavy-duty vehicles. From 2027 to 2032, 45% reduction in CO2 emissions for light vocational vehicles and 25% for Class 8 sleeper cabs. Over half of light vocational and a quarter of sleeper cabs expected to be ZEVs by 2032.

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Emissions Control Technologies


Advanced Fuels & Lubricants