Life Cycle Analyses

Powertrain Technologies
SAE WCX 2024 – Year in Review
The SAE World Congress was held in Detroit and covered a broad range of topics pertinent to transport decarbonization. Here’s a link to download presentations on emissions and sustainability.
Real-world CO2 emissions from cars and vans in Europe are 20% higher than certification values
EU Commission finds real-world CO2 emissions from cars and vans in Europe greatly exceed lab certification values. Plug-in hybrids are not being charged as much as estimated.
US EPA MY 2027-2032 Heavy-Duty Phase 3 GHG Standards
The U.S. EPA has finalized the Phase 3 GHG rule specifying CO2 emission reductions from heavy-duty trucks and buses over MY 2027 – 2032.
US EPA MY 2027-2032 Light-Duty CO2 Standards
The EPA final rule will require a fleet averaged 50% reduction in CO2 emissions for light-duty vehicles, over MY 2027 – 2032.
Cummins latest 15L engine capable of meeting MY2027 EPA regulations
Cummins has announced the next generation X15 diesel engine with improved performance and meeting the MY 2027 EPA/CARB Low NOx regulations.
TMC 2024 in Pictures
A visual summary of the TMC Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition, held in New Orleans, March 2024.
True total cost of ownership still a decade away
New study analyzes the cost of transition to electric vehicles in California, including socio-economic factors. The burden will shift to lower income groups in later years.
Summary of Oct 2023 CARB workshop for Tier 5 non-road standards
California is looking to reduce NOx emissions from non-road engines by 90% and enforce particulate filters on all engines. Here is a summary of the latest workshop to get stakeholder feedback on Tier 5 standards.

CARB Proposed Modifications to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard
On August 12th, 2024, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) posted the latest proposed amendments to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). These confirm some of the previous amendments proposed earlier this year, while introducing new ones. Here is a recap of some of the important proposed changes.
Guest Article – Emissions Reduction with Alternative Fuels
The journey of the IC engine can be summed up in two words: continuous improvement. Decades of engine research coupled with the relatively recent advent of renewable fuels is accelerating the gains in emissions abatement. Check out this webinar to learn more.
CARB and EPA Low NOx Engines and Trucks Announced
Truck manufacturers are offering improved versions that meet California’s MY 2024 Low NOx standards. Here’s a comparison of the underlying after-treatment technologies.
Hybridization of heavy-duty vehicles for meeting European CO2 standards
A summary of a new study highlighting the role hybrids could play in meeting upcoming CO2 standards in Europe, and the implications for electric vehicle share.
Dinex outlines Technologies for Low NOx Non-Road engines
A potential technology pathway for meeting upcoming California low NOx standards for off-highway machinery was shown by Dinex at a recent conference.
Total Cost of Transportation Analysis for a Heavy-Duty Fleet
A new study shows that switching to a Class 8 truck can more than double the total cost of transportation. Here’s a summary.
ACT 2024 in pictures
The ACT Expo, 2024 covered all aspects of the latest technologies for commercial vehicles and provided a unique forum to discuss the “reality” on the ground for the energy transition. Here is a summary in pictures.
How much biofuels can we make, really ?
Lowering the carbon footprint of existing vehicles will require switching to low carbon fuels. The immediate question this raises, is “how much low carbon fuel can we make?” and, “doesn’t using biomass for fuels affect the food production?”

Emissions Control Technologies

Advanced Fuels & Lubricants
What the Trump Administration could mean for the transport sector
Policy & Regulations Anticipated changes for the transport sector under the Trump Administration As in his first term, President-elect Trump
China Stage 4 Fuel Consumption Standard for Light Commercial Vehicles
A summary of Chinese Stage 4 fuel consumption standards for light commercial vehicles.
Mobility in India – excerpts of recent headlines
A summary of reports from a couple of leading newspapers in India, taken during end of Sept to early October, 2024 points to the rapidly changing mobility and energy landscape in India.
Biofuels summit in Washington DC highlights role of ethanol in transport decarbonization
The biofuels summit hosted by Growth Energy at Washington DC highlighted the role that ethanol continues to play in decarbonizing the transport sector.
CARB Proposed Modifications to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard
On August 12th, 2024, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) posted the latest proposed amendments to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). These confirm some of the previous amendments proposed earlier this year, while introducing new ones. Here is a recap of some of the important proposed changes.
Guest Article – Emissions Reduction with Alternative Fuels
The journey of the IC engine can be summed up in two words: continuous improvement. Decades of engine research coupled with the relatively recent advent of renewable fuels is accelerating the gains in emissions abatement. Check out this webinar to learn more.
CARB and EPA Low NOx Engines and Trucks Announced
Truck manufacturers are offering improved versions that meet California’s MY 2024 Low NOx standards. Here’s a comparison of the underlying after-treatment technologies.
Direct manufacturing cost of BEV vs ICE
A summary of a study comparing the direct manufacturing costs of the VW Tiguan and ID4