TMC 2024 in Pictures

A visual summary of the TMC Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition, held in New Orleans, March 2024.

Summary of 2024 SAE Government Industry

A summary of select portions of the SAE Government Industry meeting, held in Washington DC, which highlighted the growing concerns of the industry with government mandates and preparedness for tackling the infrastructure barriers and low consumer / fleet acceptance.

U.S. EPA Phase 3 Greenhouse Gas Proposal for Heavy-Duty Vehicles

ZEV adoption and CO2 reduction from HD vehicles

A downloadable summary of the U.S. EPA announced the Phase 3 GHG proposal for heavy-duty vehicles. From 2027 to 2032, 45% reduction in CO2 emissions for light vocational vehicles and 25% for Class 8 sleeper cabs. Over half of light vocational and a quarter of sleeper cabs expected to be ZEVs by 2032.

U.S. EPA Proposal for MY2027+ Light- and Medium-Duty Vehicles

On April 12th 2023, the U.S. EPA published a proposal to further reduce greenhouse gas and criteria pollutant emissions from light- and medium-duty vehicles beyond model year 2027. Here is a summary of this “multi-pollutant” regulatory proposal.

European Critical Raw Materials Act

Strategic materials in the Critical Materials Act

The European Commission has published the Critical Raw Materials Act, which aims to bolster the supply of strategic raw materials for a decarbonized future. Here’s a summary.