A tale of two EV Outlooks

What’s better than a long-term EV outlook? Two outlooks, both published in the same month. Here’s a quick comparison of some of the important aspects pertinent to the rate of electric vehicle uptake.

SuperTruck II : Notes from the 2020 DOE Annual Merit Review

Near zero emitting heavy-duty trucks

Let’s put things in perspective first. Brake thermal efficiency was ~ 35% in 1960. In 2020, Weichai announced a 50% BTE commercial engine (more details onĀ Dieselnet). And the US Department of Energy’sĀ  SuperTruck 2 program is targeting 55% BTE next year. At least two participants announced this year that they are close to 53%. Navistar, […]

How is the vehicle fuel economy (mpg) measured in the US ?

Fuel economy label

How is vehicle fuel economy (mpg) measured in the US ? The US EPA requires vehicle fuel consumption to be measured using lab chassis dynamometer testing. A representative vehicle is run over five test cycles, listed below along with the respective ambient temperatures: FTP-75 at 75 F: Represents city driving. Includes 3 measurements called bags […]