What's the similarity between Guangdong province and Oklahoma?

More importantly, what’s the difference between Guangdong and the entire US?

Guangdong province is the size of Oklahoma but has 2X the chargers of the entire US

Guangdong Province in China is roughly the size of Oklahoma State in the US – both ~ 180 thousand square kilometers in size. 


That single province in China has 383,000 public chargers for electric vehicles, more than double the number of chargers in the entire US today. And that’s only one fifth of the number of chargers in all of China, at 1.8 million.


Perhaps the better comparison for charging infrastructure is not the area of deployment but the population served. In which case, the population of Guangdong – 126 million – equals the combined population of California, Texas, Oklahoma, New York, Pennsylvania and Florida.


No matter how you slice it, the US has more work to do for improving the charging infrastructure. The Biden administration’s $7.5 billion funding to deliver half a million chargers will likely be followed by more announcements, such as made earlier this month.Â