European regulatory framework for batteries
A summary of the recently adopted regulatory framework for batteries in Europe, as it applies to e-mobility.
Can U.S. cars get cleaner ?
Each year, millions of people die prematurely because of exposure to fine particles emitted as a result of fossil fuel combustion. Europe and China have taken steps to address particulates from passenger cars. Upcoming US regulations provide an opportunity to catch up.
Environmental Justice – PM2.5 disproportionately affects people of color in the US
If you have not heard of the term “Environmental Justice” or “EJ” as it is abbreviated, then it’s time to read up. Policy makers have to pay close attention to this topic in the quest for a rapid transition to greener energy and mobility.
Euro 7 Implications for gasoline particulate filters
GPFs work well under wide operating conditions. But, very higher filtration will be needed for Euro 7. Journal Paper Review : Particle Number Emissions of a Euro 6d-Temp Gasoline Vehicle under Extreme Temperatures and Driving Conditions Background Tailpipe particle number (PN) measurements were done on a Euro 6d-temp vehicle with a close-coupled TWC and uncoated […]
Passenger car fuel economy standards
Passenger car fuel economy standards