Preparing for Euro VII : Sub-23 nm particles

Starting with Euro 7 regulations in Europe, particles down to 10 nm will be counted and regulated, a change from the current cut-off of 23 nm, reflecting both the increasing awareness of health impact due to ultra-fine particles and also improved measurement capabilities. We give an overview of the issue.

Electrifying school buses in the US


If you have not heard of the term “Environmental Justice” or “EJ” as it is abbreviated, then it’s time to read up. Policy makers have to pay close attention to this topic in the quest for a rapid transition to greener energy and mobility.

In-use NOx emissions from heavy-duty trucks and buses

In-use NOx emissions from heavy-duty trucks and buses

In-use NOx emissions from heavy-duty trucks and buses Journal Paper Review : Real-world NOx emissions from heavy-duty diesel, natural gas, and diesel hybrid electric vehicles of different vocations on California roadways Science of the Total Environment 784 (2021) 147224   Background This is one of the largest studies in California on measurement of in-use NOx […]

SuperTruck II : Notes from the 2020 DOE Annual Merit Review

Near zero emitting heavy-duty trucks

Let’s put things in perspective first. Brake thermal efficiency was ~ 35% in 1960. In 2020, Weichai announced a 50% BTE commercial engine (more details on Dieselnet). And the US Department of Energy’s  SuperTruck 2 program is targeting 55% BTE next year. At least two participants announced this year that they are close to 53%. Navistar, […]