A tale of two EV Outlooks

What’s better than a long-term EV outlook? Two outlooks, both published in the same month. Here’s a quick comparison of some of the important aspects pertinent to the rate of electric vehicle uptake.

Characterizing the in-use heavy-duty vehicle fleet

Heavy-duty vehicles cover a very wide range of applications and typical driving profiles. A one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to work for reaching zero tailpipe emissions from this sector. Here’s a summary of the application diversity from a US viewpoint.

Battery raw material constraints in Europe

Metals and rare earth elements which make up batteries and permanent magnets are likely to be the limiting factor in the rate of electrification. A new report examines the supply-demand and sourcing issues in Europe.

California’s Advanced Clean Trucks regulation

This is an update to a previous article on the targets for electrification of heavy-duty trucks in the US. Initially developed in California (where else?!), now five more states have adopted these regulations.