Light-duty vehicles
Environmental Justice – PM2.5 disproportionately affects people of color in the US
June 15, 2021
If you have not heard of the term “Environmental Justice” or “EJ” as it is abbreviated, then it’s time to read up. Policy makers have to pay close attention to this topic in the quest for a rapid transition to greener energy and mobility.
California Clean Cars 2.0 : Emission standards beyond 2025
May 15, 2021
California Clean Cars 2.0 : Emission standards beyond 2025 Based on workshops held by California’s Air Resource Board (CARB) Background
Euro 7 Implications for gasoline particulate filters
May 15, 2021
GPFs work well under wide operating conditions. But, very higher filtration will be needed for Euro 7. Journal Paper Review : Particle
How is the vehicle fuel economy (mpg) measured in the US ?
October 15, 2020
How is vehicle fuel economy (mpg) measured in the US ? The US EPA requires vehicle fuel consumption to be