Can U.S. cars get cleaner ?
Click on link below, this is a contributed article to the SAE Update magazine
Each year, over 10 million people — that’s roughly the population of New York City — die prematurely because of exposure to fine particles emitted as a result of fossil
fuel combustion.
In a recent publication [1] on the health effects and regulations for particulate control, the authors say this about the US in the abstract :
“.. this approach raises the question: are we dropping the ball? As research continues to answer the remaining questions about UFP sources, exposures, impacts, and controls, the precautionary principle should call us to accelerate and expand policy interventions to abate or eliminate UFP emissions and to mitigate UFP exposures.”
This is a contributed article to the SAE Update magazine which discusses the need for the US to adopt tighter particulate standards and enforcing the use of gasoline particulate filters (GPFs) on light-duty vehicles.
Highly encourage the reader to also check out the other terrific content at SAE Update.
[1] Air Pollution, Ultrafine Particles, and Your Brain: Are Combustion Nanoparticle Emissions and Engineered Nanoparticles Causing Preventable Fatal Neurodegenerative Diseases and Common Neuropsychiatric Outcomes, Lilian Calderón-Garcidueñas and Alberto Ayala, Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.1c04706
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